If these dogs could talk...

The happy lives of Poppy, Snowie & Kobi! Jack Russells are so intelligent these days, they blog!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Mommy's brood

So, Mommy went to Phuket for a work trip. Everytime she goes overseas, she buys us these ridiculous costumes, like the chicken head ones from Japan.

But this time, she hit it spot on for our brudders' taste. She got me and Kobi doggy singlets! The Addidog one in Brazil's colours is for Kobi, while the Von Dog one with a touch of gold goes just perfectly with my colouring.

Snowie got nothing, but she did get to put on the chicken cape again.

::120605:: Mommy's brood.
Posted by Hello

3 WoofBacks!

At 3:28 AM, Blogger Unknown barked...

Wow those look smart on you guys! I think you chickens are good, but here they eat them for dinner. So if you ever visit the northern part of the eastern section of the middle of the midwestern US, don't forget to take off the costumes!


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Sam the black GSD barked...

Poppy I hate to be a spoilsport but you pups look ridiculous! I'm awfully glad my Mom hasn't bought an outfit like that for me. Of course I'm so big that it would probably cost a lot of money which is a deterrent. I do have a question -- there seem to be 2 chickens and only one singlet. Who is wearing what?


At 11:59 AM, Blogger Freda barked...

Cool costumes, but I agree with Sammy.

I think costumes are for cats. It's as easy as ABCD; A=Aardvark=ants. B=Bats=bugs. C=Cat=Costume. D=Dog=Dignity. Dogs are dignified.



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