If these dogs could talk...

The happy lives of Poppy, Snowie & Kobi! Jack Russells are so intelligent these days, they blog!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Kobi's Adventure!

Kobi didn't like sitting in the noisy taxi. Poppy always tells Kobi that Kobi must walk as far away from taxis, lorries and buses as our leash allows. And if we have to walk near them, we must crouch low to the ground and skulk past them like a lion.

But Daddy and Mommy forced Kobi into the taxi's mouth! Naughty Daddy! Daddy told Kobi we go walk-walk! But they made Kobi go inside! Reow! Reow-reow!!

What's this strange room Kobi is in now? Smells of hundreds of dogs. Wooooo. There is a cat in a crate on the other bench. Kobi wants to go bite the cat!

What's Daddy doing! Daddy put Kobi on big weighing machine. Kobi is 3.55kg.

Hey! Look! Three girls bringing out a white furry hag. The white furry hag is nine years old. Kobi wants to go sniff the white furry hag, but Daddy said Stay. Mmmmnnnnggghhh

The girls come play with Kobi. They like Kobi. Yaay. They are patting Kobi.

Hey! What's Daddy doing! Daddy bringing Kobi into small cold room. Put Kobi on high, cold table. Kobi has to sniff sniff the table. Check it out!

Hey! Who's this big strange man wearing green (yes, Kobi knows its green from its specific shade of grey) with booming voice? Kobi has to sniff sniff him. Check him out!

Reow! Did the big strange man just poke Kobi with sharp needle? What's he... Hey! Is that a computer? Kobi has to sniff sniff the computer. Check it out!

Hey! It's Mommy! Is she coming to sniff too? Hey! She's bringing Small Furry Thing in. Goodie. Maybe Kobi can sniff Small Furry Thing. Wheyy. Why is Daddy bringing Kobi out? Kobi wants to sniff...

'Eew! Eew! Eew!'

Is that Small Furry Thing crying? Why is Small...

Hey! That's a big dog! Hahahaha he's wearing a white cone-hat! Hahahaha he's just pooped a mountain on the road! Hahahahaha silly big dog doesn't even know he has to poop on the grass? Hahahahaa

Hey! They're bringing Small Furry Thing out! Kobi can smell fresh blood. *Opens eyes big* Is it lunch?

Aurghh! Daddy and Mommy are forcing Kobi into noisy dangerous taxi! Kobi dowaaaaaaaan to go in! Daddy! Don't kick Kobi!! Reow! Reow-reow!!

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