If these dogs could talk...

The happy lives of Poppy, Snowie & Kobi! Jack Russells are so intelligent these days, they blog!

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Tis gettin' loud in here! So take off all your fur!

This Cookie baby is the target of all noise-making dog rackets. Everyday Kobi will play with her by dragging her around -- he grabs her forearm in his mouth -- and she will protest! Makes many squeeky noises and occassionally barks! And Kobi will growl at her too.

Mommy and Daddy don't really like to be woken up early every morning by all the growling and yapping. Always shouts at us to shut up.

Cookie is also quite a naughty biter! Loves to chase Mommy and Daddy's feet. She'll pounce on their feet, unhinge her jaws and clamp down on their toes, their heels or the top of their feet. Mommy hates it. Always kicks her over, but Cookie will keep lunging.

Cookie also has a very set mind of her own. She hates to be locked up, even in the kitchen with the rest of us! So hao lian! She will stand at the gate and yap and yap and yap, and try to climb up the fencing. Of coz, even I, Poppy the monkey climber, don't do that when there's no human to catch me at the top. Who does this little Cookie think she is!? She can't even get past the 2nd rung. bwahahhawoofwoofwoof.

It's been ages since we went on a walk-walk :( and ages since my last bath :D
Poppy has been lucky to be let off while Kobi and Snowie and even Cookie have had baths. Shall continue to keep clean by not wriggling in pee-scented grass or playing too much with that dirty Cookie baby.

0 WoofBacks!

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