If these dogs could talk...

The happy lives of Poppy, Snowie & Kobi! Jack Russells are so intelligent these days, they blog!

Monday, February 13, 2006


130206 :: Why do I look so sorrowful you ask? Let me tell you a story, my child. Here, sit on my lap. No, rather, let me sit on your lap...

It was a bright and lovely morning. But it was the 13th. It was really a not-good day for me today. I was taken on a walk-walk so early in the morning -- 9.30am!! (It's early for my daddy, who usually sleeps till noon!) but truth be told, I was taken for a ride!! Grrrrrrrr. I went to the vet with Kobi, but one of his balls hasn't dropped yet, so he was left intact. I, on the other hand, went up on the vet's table and was immediately jabbed, and went to sleep!! But not before puking a second time after that awful cab ride.

Next thing I knew, I was staring blearily out of some cage and there were all these other dogs. Kobi was with me, grumpily barking at the other dogs and cats in the vet's back room. Whatever happened during the time I was TAKEN by aliens, I can't say. It's not fit for print. But I was RETURNED and I shall never be the same again.

I am now SuperDog. See, I wear my underwear outside. It's white cotton briefs. It's not very airy, so well, I wouldn't recommend this brand. Anyways... anyhoos...

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