If these dogs could talk...

The happy lives of Poppy, Snowie & Kobi! Jack Russells are so intelligent these days, they blog!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

::310704:: Cookie loves to hide from Kobi. Wonder why? She will hide under the sofa whenever Kobi tries to paw her and swing her around by her arm. That's not too bad for play play what. Kobi loves to play wif Cookie. CoOkiE is KoBi's NeW tOyYyyy! Posted by Hello

::310704:: Pop Pop Pop! And it wasn't Mommy calling me. It came from outside the Window. Mommy was very happy. Daddy carried us to look at bright lights. We know they were gorgeous colours just by seeing the lovely 6 shades of grey lights. Kakakkaa.  Posted by Hello

::310704:: MORE LIGHTS! Like what Kobi'd look like if he continued to eat too much! Taaah Baaaahh Booommm!! Posted by Hello

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Happy Male Dogs

::310704:: Sometimes, out of sheer necessity, we dogs have to abandon the laws of nature and take on our ... ahem... own kind. Here is a fine specimen illustrating lack of good babes -- Kobi bonks his dad, Poppy Posted by Hello

::010804:: WUAAAHAHAHHA I've got you now, Kobi! This will teach you a little thing called R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Posted by Hello

::010804:: Just keep trying, you child molester! You may have brought Kobi down, but Kobi's not giving up without a fight! Posted by Hello