If these dogs could talk...

The happy lives of Poppy, Snowie & Kobi! Jack Russells are so intelligent these days, they blog!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

::300604:: butt butt butt, what's going on? Posted by Hello

::300604:: HEY! Stop staring at my butt! You don't have ah??! Posted by Hello

::300604:: Mommy thinks I'm starting to look just like Poppy Roundy Head :D YAY! Coz I love Mommy! And Mommy loves Poppy! So if I look like Poppy, Mommy will love me MORE! (puppy logic) Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Reow!! Reow-reow!!

Mommy is quite cruel! Today she agreed to lend me to Janice Liu, this small-girl former intern from her office, for a week!

HEY! Kobi is not a hooker ok! What borrow me? Do I have a "For Borrowing" sign burned on my furry forehead?


Janice! Reow!! Reow-reow!! I can't stop Mommy from lending me to you. But watch out coz I will nibble you to your bones! Reow!! Reow-reow!!

::290604:: Cookie says she surrenders to sleep. Peaceful sleepy wif Mummysnowie Posted by Hello

Monday, June 28, 2004

::280604:: Kobi: 'I'm telling you Poppy, I'm gonna be the Alpha Male." Posted by Hello

::280604:: Poppy: 'WHO'S ALPHA MALE AGAIN?' Posted by Hello

::280604:: Kobi: 'Oh, sorry, just yawning... The sound came out funny, like a challenge..."  Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 27, 2004

This is one of Mommy's favourite pictures of me, Poppy, coz she says I look so roundy-head and pitiful in it. You can see my old leash in the background. I think I was pleading for a walk-walk when the picture was taken.  Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 26, 2004



Mommy and Daddy brought me, Snowie and Kobi for a walk today! It's been a whole week since our last walk! Because Mommy and Daddy always worked late, or were just lazy the whole week.

Nevermind. They made it up by walking us all the way to the Boon Keng hawker centre, and even rewarded us with Chicken Skin after they finished dinner!

Must be because I kept saying please as they were eating. Kobi, the silly fella was just trembling and trembling while he laid sprawled out on the dirty hawker centre floor, also benefitted from my say please efforts.

Then we walked back and enjoyed a good sniff. Had to redouble my efforts to mark all the spots that I'd been forced to neglect for a week. Cannot let those big factory guard dogs think they've gained territory!

Dropping dead!

Yay! The fleas and ticks are all dropping off us! To Mommy's visible eye, we're tick and flea free!

Hopefully, the shrivelled two ticks Mommy found between the toes of my left fore paw this morning and on the super furry swirl of fur on my neck were the last!

Now we can go on the sofa, and Mommy dares to carry us and let us sleep with her on the sofa again. Yay!


::260604:: See how they mutilated Snowie's precioussss... but thank God Snowie's precioussss is healing very well four days along! Posted by Hello
::260604:: Just a tiny stump left. Poor preciousss Posted by Hello
::260604:: Once in a while, Snowie's precioussss would give a soft 'Eew!' to tell Snowie, 'Look Ma, no thumbs!' Posted by Hello

::260604:: Whenever Mommy brings out the strange small thing that Snowie guards like treasure in the crate, Kobi and Poppy will want to sniff sniff to check it out. Snowie will growl at us, and even bit Poppy on the face once when Poppy was sniffing Strange Thing, but Kobi is not scared. Kobi will even secretly give Strange Thing a small lick when Snowie is not looking, just to see if Strange Thing is tasty treat. Posted by Hello

When dogs don't get enuf sleep... they also get eyebags!

An amazing fact that should be on the inside of a Snapple bottlecap!

::260604:: 'Yes Ma'am, our new under-eye cream will definitely help you', the nice counter lady told Snowie Posted by Hello

::260604:: Snowie's precioussss cuddling up to Snowie Posted by Hello

::260604:: Snowie needs more sleep Posted by Hello

::260604:: Settled down up Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Kobi's Adventure!

Kobi didn't like sitting in the noisy taxi. Poppy always tells Kobi that Kobi must walk as far away from taxis, lorries and buses as our leash allows. And if we have to walk near them, we must crouch low to the ground and skulk past them like a lion.

But Daddy and Mommy forced Kobi into the taxi's mouth! Naughty Daddy! Daddy told Kobi we go walk-walk! But they made Kobi go inside! Reow! Reow-reow!!

What's this strange room Kobi is in now? Smells of hundreds of dogs. Wooooo. There is a cat in a crate on the other bench. Kobi wants to go bite the cat!

What's Daddy doing! Daddy put Kobi on big weighing machine. Kobi is 3.55kg.

Hey! Look! Three girls bringing out a white furry hag. The white furry hag is nine years old. Kobi wants to go sniff the white furry hag, but Daddy said Stay. Mmmmnnnnggghhh

The girls come play with Kobi. They like Kobi. Yaay. They are patting Kobi.

Hey! What's Daddy doing! Daddy bringing Kobi into small cold room. Put Kobi on high, cold table. Kobi has to sniff sniff the table. Check it out!

Hey! Who's this big strange man wearing green (yes, Kobi knows its green from its specific shade of grey) with booming voice? Kobi has to sniff sniff him. Check him out!

Reow! Did the big strange man just poke Kobi with sharp needle? What's he... Hey! Is that a computer? Kobi has to sniff sniff the computer. Check it out!

Hey! It's Mommy! Is she coming to sniff too? Hey! She's bringing Small Furry Thing in. Goodie. Maybe Kobi can sniff Small Furry Thing. Wheyy. Why is Daddy bringing Kobi out? Kobi wants to sniff...

'Eew! Eew! Eew!'

Is that Small Furry Thing crying? Why is Small...

Hey! That's a big dog! Hahahaha he's wearing a white cone-hat! Hahahaha he's just pooped a mountain on the road! Hahahahaha silly big dog doesn't even know he has to poop on the grass? Hahahahaa

Hey! They're bringing Small Furry Thing out! Kobi can smell fresh blood. *Opens eyes big* Is it lunch?

Aurghh! Daddy and Mommy are forcing Kobi into noisy dangerous taxi! Kobi dowaaaaaaaan to go in! Daddy! Don't kick Kobi!! Reow! Reow-reow!!


Snowie scared! Mommy and Daddy took Baby away!! They took Baby, locked Snowie and Poppy in kitchen, and went out the front door! Where they take her? WHERE WHERE WHERE!??

Wait... is that a leash Snowie sees on Kobi? Are they bringing Kobi for a Walk-Walk? Without Snowie or Poppy? Snowie wants to walk-walk!

No!! Snowie wants Baby back! Don't take her! WOOF WOOF WOOF!!! Snowie will keep calling Mommy and Daddy as loud as possible until they give back the Baby!!

Snowie's saying please -- see? Snowie's doing the begging hands movement! Please give back the preciousss Baby!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Maintain the Frontline!!

If only Mommy had been more careful with parasite prevention! All of us are infested with ticks and fleas! Mommy doesn't know how we got them, or how they managed to colonise our bodies without her noticing.

Then again, she's been working late for the whole week and we only sleep on the sofa with her as she watches her cable reruns till the wee hours of the morning. Then she sleeps and wakes up just in time to get to work late again!

Mommy first noticed it, thanks to Kobi, who was playing act-cute roll on the back for Mommy again. She saw little black specks on his tummy and was horrified to see that they were itty-bitty ticks and icky-wicky fleas!

Then she noticed that YUCKS! (she said, not me, coz I'm a dog. Fleas, ticks? Normal what!) there were 6 or 7 ticks on the white rug covering Snowie's crate.

She pulled out those she could see on Kobi. Then she checked me out and found that I also had them. Of coz la. Even Snowie has them and so does her little baby.

Piak piak piak. Mommy burst them all like pressing bubblewrap. All our blood, burst out from those irritating itch-inducers. Goodie. Go get them Mommy!

She cannot get them all, but promised she will spend her hard-earned money to buy Frontline to help us. In the meantime, she doesn't allow us on the sofa... :(

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Snowie's Secret

Shhhh. It's a lazy Saturday afternoon and Daddy is watching TV and Mommy is napping.

But Snowie has been very busy. Snowie has silently given birth to a Baby. Snowie doesn't want to make much noise, in case Daddy and Mommy come and steal my preciousssss.

Posted by Hello

Poppy (he's the father, of coz, but Snowie is not gonna share the Baby with him so let him continue acting blur) and Kobi (Snowie's once-precioussss scrawny son who has now become a stout lout that's bigger and noisier than Snowie, hmmph!) are acting very nervous.

Compared to when Snowie gave birth to FOUR babies six months ago, this Baby is a breeze. Not so tiring for poor Snowie. It was so traumatic for poor Snowie to have Snowie's first baby (Mommy called him Mohawk and Snowie remembers he had a black head and a tuft of hair standing up in the middle of his head) died. Snowie could not understand why. Snowie's last baby also died. But Snowie had two healthy and strong babies, Hamster and Kobi.

Kobi was so scrawny but he has Snowie's fighting spirit. Same kind what. He has brown head and white body, just like Snowie. *fleeting proud mother's look*

But now, Baby is new precioussss...

Snowie loves Baby. Baby has brown head and three spots. Two brown, one black.

Baby's fur still matted. Just born only. Snowie must busily lick lick lick Baby to clean Baby. Baby big, fat, strong. Like Hamster. Where is Hamster? Snowie almost don't remember Hamster.

Baby can crawl very well. Snowie so proud of Baby. Baby drinking milk. So strong. Snowie so proud.

Silly Poppy and Kobi very scared. They squeezed themselves into the corner near the kitchen door. They don't dare to come near Snowie becoz Snowie will growl at them. Snowie don't want them to see the Preciousssss.

Nine Weeks Before ...

Fastest swimmer first! And so this was the very beginning of that little bundle of fur's existence...

::220404:: If Singaporean human men think they have it bad when it comes to number of times they have sex a year (so the 2003 durex survey found anyway)... Singaporean dogs have it worse ok! It only comes round EVERY SIX MONTHS!!  Posted by Hello

::220404:: Shooo Kobi!! Poppydaddy and Snowiemummy are doing things adults do when they love each other and there's nothing on TV... Posted by Hello