If these dogs could talk...

The happy lives of Poppy, Snowie & Kobi! Jack Russells are so intelligent these days, they blog!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

291205 :: THIS is why people shouldn't try to be fancy with Christmas gift wrapping... Mommy's friend tied this around a gift (it was that lovely book This Little Piggy Went to Prada! not that we dogs care about such frivolous stuff, nooo...). It's a stretchy rubbery thing that Kobi would love to put in his mouth and chew to bits, except Kobi did not get the chance to. Because Mommy hooked it on Kobi's tale and Kobi now has "more balls"... Posted by Picasa

291205 :: hey, wazzat wazzat!!???!!! it's round and it's spikey and it's soft and it won't leave kobi's tale alone!! Posted by Picasa

291205 :: oh phooey... then i'll just have to be a bit more on the ball Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 26, 2005


There's something about Mommy's new ionic hairdryer. We can smell something in the air each time she uses it -- especially on us after she bathes us!

And it makes Snowie smell especially dogalicious! Makes me randy! Makes me and Kobi wanna play with her in a special way! So me and Kobi fight!

And because Snowie is a good fighter (and the special effect of the ionic hairdryer doesn't seem to stir her loins), it's up to me and Kobi to try to take on each other! For relief! Hot doggedly, we need that full moon to disappear!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

211205 :: What can I say? Da dog likes his bones!